George Gershwin
рефераты, Культурология Объем работы: 13 стр. Год сдачи: 2009 Стоимость: 300 руб. Просмотров: 936 | | |
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Childhood and youth
Early Professional Career
Rhapsody in Blue
Broadway Years
In the Hollywood
The End
George Gershwin made great contribution to the world’s music. He was one of the first composers who made American music. His compositions were a mix of European, jazz, and black styles. Need to say that he was many-sided: he had very good voice. He liked to play and to sing his own works to his friends. He was a painter of considerable talent. But first of all he was a musician. He made no difference between “serious” and “light” music.
I have chosen this subject because I like jazz and I want to know more about it. And I think that George Gerswhin is one of the most bright American composers.
Unfortunately every talented or genius person rarely has happy fate. George Gershwin is not exception. But he continues to live in his works.
Once when George lost a music book with his melodies, he told his brother: “Don’t mind, there is so many melodies in my head that the whole life won’t be enough to write them”. Who knows, maybe if he hadn’t died so early he would have written more outstanding works.
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