Stylistic analysis of emotive meanings in Aldington`s works.
курсовые работы, Иностранные языки Объем работы: 24 стр. Год сдачи: 0 Стоимость: 500 руб. Просмотров: 1252 | | |
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INTRODUCTION…………………….……………………………..... 3
Chapter I. Richard Aldington………………………………………….. 5
Chapter II. Style and stylistics …….……………………………………7
Chapter III. Stylistic analysis of emotive meanings in Aldington`s works……………………………………………………………………..…..11
General Conclusions……………………………………….………......24
The choice of a theme of this paper is caused by the interest in studying of this question byway of teaching it in universities.
It must be clearly understood that the emotive is built into our minds and it is presents there in different degrees when we think of various phenomena of objective reality.
Different emotional elements may appear in the utterance depending on its character and pragmatic aspect.
We shall try to distinguish between elements of language which have emotive meaning in their semantic structure and those which acquire this meaning in the context under the influence of a stylistic device or some other more expressive means in the utterance.
The approach to the language material and the subject of stylistics is of our conce
in this paper.
As it is known stylistics treats with special means of the language that help us to have vivid and interesting speech.
We shall not go into details with regards to lots of expressive means and stylistic devices in Aldington`s works as they are too many.
Our conce
is the analysis of those stylistic devices and expressive means which are capable of making utterances emotionally coloured. We take only those stylistic devices which are based on some significant point in an utterance whether it consists of one sentence or a string of sentences.
Usually the effect of stylistic devices exceeds the bounds of one sentence and the investigation touches upon the features of speech.
Stylistic expressive means have a kind of radiating effect. They noticeably colour the whole of the utterance no matter whether they are logical or emotional. They reproduce the author’s thoughts and feelings and make the reader to think and feel what the author wants him to think and feel.
In our paper we shall consider only some of expressive means mostly used in Aldington`s works.
General Conclusion.
Having analysed the two works of Richard Aldington: ”Death of a Hero” and ” The Colonel`s Daughter” we came to a conclusion that it is not an easy task to single them out.
Richard Aldington resorts to the use of syntactical stylistic devices, and the most favourite of them is repetition and ellipsis.
The most highly emotive words are words charged with emotive meaning to the extent that the logical meaning can hardly be registered: interjections and all kinds of exclamations. Next come epithets, in which we can observe a kind of parity between emotive and logical meaning.
Some of emotive meanings make the speech of the characters vivid, interesting, humorous, ironical, emotional, understandable; they reflect their thoughts and feelings.
Many emotive meanings in Aldington`s works express various feelings, such as regret, despair, disappointment, sorrow, woe, surprise, astonishment, lamentation, entreaty and many others.
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