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The image of fallen women in works by Dreiser

курсовые работы, Иностранные языки

Объем работы: 34 стр.

Год сдачи: 2009

Стоимость: 500 руб.

Просмотров: 1026


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Chapter I. Some words about Theodore Dreiser…………………………………..5
1.1. Biography of Theodore Dreiser……………………………………………....5
1.2. Some features of Dreiser’s work……………………………………………..6
Chapter II. The image of fallen women in works by Dreiser…………………….10
2.1. Images of Women in American Literature…………………………………..10
2.2. The image of fallen women in works by Dreiser………………………….....16

Every writer has his own style of writing. Trying to gain the definite stylistic effects the writer uses the different stylistic means.
The stylistic makes use of different phenomena from lexicology, grammar and phraseology. But the stylistic doesn’t study the elements of language, it studies their expressive potential in the text. In other words, the stylistic studies their stylistic function.
The stylistic function is considered as the expressive potential of the interaction of the language means in the text. The stylistic considers the language means’ expressive features and consequently their role in the influence on the reader.
Our work is devoted to the image of fallen women in works by T. Dreiser.
The aim of the given work consists in a theoretical substantiation of a question on features of the image of fallen women in works by Dreiser.
Object of work has demanded the decision of the following specific tasks:
- To study Biography of Theodore Dreiser;
- To consider Some features of Dreiser’s work;
- To consider Images of Women in American Literature;
- To study The image of fallen women in works by Dreiser.
Object of research in the given work is Dreiser’s creativity.
Subject is image of fallen women in works by Dreiser.
Theoretical value - the given work brings the contribution to development of theoretical aspects of studying of creativity of Dreiser.
Practical value is, that the concrete theoretical material can be used in training courses under the theory of language, linguistics of the text, functional grammar, stylistics, rhetoric, literary criticism, translation theory, lectures on stylistics, the literature and other disciplines.
During our work we used the works on the translation theory of such linguists as Levitskaya T.R., Fiterman A.M., Komissarov V.N., Alimov V.V., Shveytser A.D., Garbovskiy N.K., Dmitrieva L.F., Galperin I.R., A...
Too many critics about Carrie exist from 1900 when Dreiser finished the novel till now, and I can’t cite them one by one. Here I just classified them into two groups. From the totally different views, we can see that different people does hold different opinions. To me, I also have my own understanding of Carrie.
First, I really can’t agree Carrie is a “fallen woman”.
Those who criticized that she is greedy for material gains and she loses her sense of morality when she pursues her desire, to me, they failed to understand the novel deeply and they failed to treat Carrie equally as well. It’s quite true that Carrie had sexual relations with two men, which maybe the most unbearable thing for those who said Carrie is “immoral”, but when we read the novel, actually we can say that Carrie’s intention was to have a good husband.
First she met Drouet who attracted her with his beautiful clothes and fine manners which represented he belongs to a high class. That is very nature, as I say. Carrie came from a poor peasant family and she wanted to search a better life in Chigago. When she met such a young man who was “ an experienced traveller, a brisk man of the world” and was so courteous to her. “It disposed her pleasantly toward all he might do.”
After Carrie arrived the Hanson’s, she found things disappointing. She did efforts to search a job, but she failed at last. Drived by the desire for survival, she eventually accepted Drouet. Here we should notice that though the main reason Carrie accepted Drouet is he had the money to support her, but on the other hand, Carrie did have some good feelings on him. Besides, Drouet promised to marry her. So at the beginning, the story went like lots of other love stories. Poor young beautiful girl comes to a big city and wants a “better life”, then she meets a rich man who makes she believe that they love each other, inevitably she wishes a wedding with the man. That happens a lot now. but in the fact, the man...

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