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The translation of the attribute (on the material of the technical texts)

курсовые работы, Иностранные языки

Объем работы: 38 стр.

Год сдачи: 0

Стоимость: 500 руб.

Просмотров: 954


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Chapter I Some aspects of the translation theory
1.1 The translation as a kind of the interlingual communication……….………4
1.2 The features of the scientific style…………………………………………..12
Chapter II The translation of the attribute (on the material of the technical texts)
2.1 The attribute…………………………………………………………………26
2.2 The attribute translation……………………………………………………..29
The list of the used literature……………………………………………………..37
The list of the used dictionaries…………………………………………………..39

Since the ancient times the people use the translations from one language into the other one.
But nobody can tell exactly when the first translation was made. It is known only that this event took place when people having different mother tongues began to communicate with the help of the intermediary – the translator.
Thank to the translation the people could communicate in the multinational states, the translation helped the interlingual and intercultural communication. The translation favoured the spreading of religion.
The Russian and foreign linguists emphasize the role that the translation plays in the development of science, culture, economy, literature and language itself.
The aim of our work is to reveal the main ways of the attribute translation in the scientific-technical texts.
The aim has defined the next asks:
1. To define the main features of the scientific style
2. To make our own research of the scientific texts.
The work consists of two chapters.
The first chapter is the theoretical one. It represents the main features of the scientific style.
The second chapter is the practical one. It represents our own research conce
ing the translation of the attribute in the texts about the autocars devices.
We gave all the examples found out in the texts under research and translated them.
We have translated all given examples from the technical texts, so we have used the works on the translation theory of Levitskaya T.R., Fiterman A.M., Komissarov V.N., Alimov V.V., Shveytser A.D., Garbovskiy N.K., Dmitrieva L.F. and others.
At the analysis of a practical material the English-Russian dictionary of Мuller and explanatory dictionaries of publishing house of the Oxford university were used.

The scientific style is typical for the texts which are to transmit the exact information from any special sphere. One of the features is the using of the special terms. Every branch of the science has its own terminology linked with the subject and the method of its work.
But the using of the special terms isn’t the single feature of the scientific style. There are also the syntaxical features. The sentences are complex mainly. The simple sentences are enlargered by the homogeneous parts. There is an abundance of the conjunctions and conjunctional words:
The analyzed texts are about the X-rays and its using in different spheres of life and the plastic and its application.
It is difficult to imagine that the words in scientific text can be used in different meaning because the words in the scientific speech are used in one direct meaning.
Nevertheless we found out some words which are used in different meanings and which are repeated within one text.
The examples of the particle repetitions were more numerous.
The different meanings of one word can be used within one text, even if this is the technical text. Of course, this repetition is not as frequent as it is in the work of fiction.
We pointed out that the attribute can be expressed by noun, participle, noun with the preposition, infinitive and other parts of speech.
The attribute is the member of the sentence which answer the questions what?, what kind of? какой?, whose? чей?, which? который? какой?, how much? how many? сколько?
The attribute refers to the noun. The attribute hasn’t the constant place in the sentence. It can take place before the noun – it is the left attribute and it can be after the attribute – it is the right attribute.
We can say that the attribute in the technical texts are expressed mostly by the nouns and adjectifs. There are the examples expressed by the noun with the preposition. The translation of the attribute is made with the help of the Russian adjectifs and...

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