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Фразеология и её стилистические особенности на примере языка газет

курсовые работы, Иностранные языки

Объем работы: 28 стр.

Год сдачи: 2011

Стоимость: 500 руб.

Просмотров: 731


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Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of Newspaper style
phraseology study…………………………………………………………………4
1.1. The language of newspapers………………………………………………....4
1.2. Main characteristic of phraseology and idioms in Newspaper style…………9
Chapter II. Stylistic features of phraseology usage and idioms in
Newspaper style (based on the analysis of the following newspapers
«The Times», «The Economist», «Guardian»)…………………………………..12
List of references………………………………………………………………....27
Newspaper style’s vocabulary is a part of a lexical system of the language in which are especially evidently reflected social structure of a society, world outlook installations of native speakers, ways of the organization of public life of the country in which language functions, and also other countries. Functioning and development of this subsystem sometimes directly, and is more often reflect a wide spectrum of public processes. In some periods of life of a society here in historically short time intervals there are such changes which in other lexico-semantic subsystems are stretched for centuries.
The vocabulary of newspapers of the English language is investigated less than Russian. It is connected, in our opinion, also to several circumstances. It is necessary to note, that newspapers vocabulary of the English language represents very attractive object for the analysis.
We are going to study Phraseology and idioms in Newspapers, because the phraseology is one of the brightest and effective linguistic means. The metaphorical and emotional character of the phraseology makes the speech more figurative and expressive. Undoubtfully, the phraseology has a special role in the mass media, especially in the newspapers.
The specific of the newspaper's speech is that there are special speech formations in it – headlines, subheadings and rubrics.
As the heading the jou
alists can use one word, word combination, sentence and, of course, the idioms.
The headline is the strong position in the newspaper. It is the first thing to which the readers take the attention.
The aim of work is to search the stylistic futures of using phraseology and idioms in Newspaper style.
The problems have defined the following tasks:
- to investigate the language of newspapers;
- to investigate the main characteristic of phraseology and idioms in Newspaper style;
- to search Stylistic futures of using phraseology and idiom in Newspaper style....
On the basis of above-stated we came to a conclusion, that English newspaper style may be defined as a system of in¬terrelated lexical, phraseological and grammatical means which is perceived by the community of the language as a separate unity that serves the purpose of informing and instructing the reader.
Since the primary function of newspaper style is to impart infor¬mation, only printed matter serving this purpose comes under news¬paper style proper. Such matter can be classed as:
1. brief news items and communiques,
2. press reports (parliamentary, of court proceedings, etc.),
3. articles purely informational in character,
4. advertisements and announcements,
To understand the language peculiarities of English newspaper style it will be sufficient we analysed the following basic newspaper features:
1. brief news items,
2. advertisements and announcements,
3. the headline, and
4. with the reservations stated above) the editorial.
We came to a conclusion that another branch of lexicology is phraseology. It studies compound meanings of two or more words, as in «raining cats and dogs». Because the whole meaning of that phrase is much different from the meaning of words included alone, phraseology examines how and why such meanings come in everyday use, and what possibly are the laws gove
ing these word combinations. Phraseology also investigates idioms.
An idiom is a phrase whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal definition, but refers instead to a figurative meaning that is known only through common use. In linguistics, idioms are widely assumed to be figures of speech that contradict the principle of compositionality; however, this has shown to be a subject of debate.
An idiom is generally a colloquial metaphor — a term which requires some foundational knowledge, information, or experience, to use only within a culture where parties must have common reference. Idioms are...

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