Стилистическое использование нейтральных слов, принадлежащих к особым лексическим словам. На примере произведения У. Теккера Ярмарка Тщеславия
курсовые работы, Иностранные языки Объем работы: 29 стр. Год сдачи: 2011 Стоимость: 500 руб. Просмотров: 815 | | |
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Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of studying of stylistic
function of neutral words………………………………………………………4
1.1. Bookish style………………………………………………………………4
1.2. Colloquial Style……………………………………………………………7
1.3. Neutral words and their stylistic functions………………………………..11
Chapter II. The stylistic functions of neutral words in the novel
of W. Thackeray «Vanity Fair»………………………………………………..15
It is necessary to help for the individual to develop high culture of reading. The literary work, as well as any other work of art, contains the information received by the writer from an exte
al world and it advanced.
Being it is published, it already receives independent value and existence separate of the author, therefore, alongside with the analysis of genesis of product and a plan of the author, the analysis of the product and its influence on the reader is lawful also.
Every writer has his own style of writing. Trying to gain the definite stylistic effects the writer uses the different stylistic means.
The stylistic makes use of different phenomena from lexicology, grammar and phraseology. But the stylistic doesn’t study the elements of language, it studies their expressive potential in the text. In other words, the stylistic studies their stylistic function.
The stylistic function is considered as the expressive potential of the interaction of the language means in the text. The stylistic considers the language means’ expressive features and consequently their role in the influence on the reader.
Our work is devoted to the stylistic function of neutral words in the novel «Vanity Fair» by W. Thackeray.
The aim of this work is to find the stylistic functions role of neutral words in the novel «Vanity Fair» by W. Thackeray.
The object of the work is neutral vocabulary.
The subject is the stylistic function of the neutral vocabulary, namely its stylistic function in the novel «Vanity Fair» by W. Thackeray.
So, the tasks of the work are:
1. To characterize the bookish style.
2. To reveal the features of the colloquial style.
3. To make the practical research function of the neutral vocabulary in «Vanity Fair» by W. Thackeray.
The practical material in our work is the novel «Vanity Fair» by W. Thackeray.
The theoretical value is that the work reveals the main functions of the neutral words.
As the practical...
On the basis of the aforesaid it is possible to draw the following conclusions.
Colloquial style is divided into upper colloquial, common colloquial and low colloquial. The latter two have their own peculiar features connected with region, gender, age of the speaker.
Bookish style embraces scientific, official, publicistic (newspaper), oratorical, and poetic styles.
We came to a conclusion on the basis of our researches that the most important property of neutral words consists in reflection of the world during his practical creation. The image is some model of the validity restoring the information received from the validity in new essence.
English vocabulary forms an opposition of stylistically neutral and stylistically marked words. Stylistically neutral words are those which are used in all Styles. They form the main bulk of vocabulary. Such words as ‘see’, ‘go’, ‘think’, ‘meal’ ‘rest’ etc. are stylistically neutral words.
This generative power of the neutral words in English language is multiplied by the very nature of the language itself.
Neutral words have also the stylistic functions. As we have defined, the stylistic function reveals expressive potential of these units and their interaction in a text.
We have found in the novel «Vanity Fair» twenty examples of the neutral words which have the definite stylistic functions. We have revealed that mostly the author uses the neutral words in the novel with the epithets and in the similes. We have revealed also the cases of personification, metaphors, tone, epithet, irony, hyperbole and litotes.
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