Контрольная по английскому языку
контрольные работы, Иностранные языки Объем работы: 7 стр. Год сдачи: 2011 Стоимость: 300 руб. Просмотров: 934 | | |
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Top-management – planning and strategy…………………………2
Our society is made up of all kinds of organizations, such as companies, gove
ment departments, unions, hospitals, schools, libraries, and the like. They are essential to our existence, helping to create our standards of living and our quality of life. In all this organizations there are people carrying out the work of manager. They have a responsibility to use the resources of their org. effectively and economically to achieve its objectives.
In most companies the activities of manager depend on the level at which he is working. Top manager, such as chairmen and directors, will be more involved in long range planning, policymaking, and the relations of the company with the outside world. They will be making decisions on the future of the company, the sort of product lines it should develop, how it should face up to the competition, whether it should diversify.
1. http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Log-Mar/Management-Levels.html
2. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский язык для экономистов. Р.-на-Д., 2004
3. Жданова И.Ф. и др. English for businessmen – Aнглийский язык для делового общения. В 2-х тт. М., 2002
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