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The role of money in modern world

рефераты, Иностранные языки

Объем работы: 7

Год сдачи: 2012

Стоимость: 300 руб.

Просмотров: 1055


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Introduction 3
1. Short history of money 3
2. Types of money 4
3. Functions of money 6
Conclusion 7
Bibliography 8
Throughout development of human society money, from the moment of the emergence, played huge role. Many economic schools were engaged in studying of money. But also now interest to money as economic category doesn't decrease.
At first sight lack of any difficulties in mode
understanding people of money can seem. Really, huge number of people in the world daily pay with money for the goods (services) acquired by them. But not each person can present that importance which money has. And after all money is necessary for functioning of any economy in the mode
world already for the reason that only they can put in action the financial mechanism, capable to provide development of productive forces. If in the XIX century the opinion that changes in the monetary sphere don't render any influence on economy prevailed, in mode
conditions nobody challenges the fact that monetary factors have essential impact on behavior of economic agents. Money allows them to remove use of results of the work or commercial operations in time and thus as though throws the bridge between the various moments of economic life. The person having money, can store them, like any other goods, or postpone for future purchases.
So, being a supply and demand subject, money influences a commodity market and services. The condition of monetary circulation can lead to change of conditions of economic balance. So, at inflation people differently approach to distribution of the income between savings and consumption, than during the periods of stabilization of the prices.

1. Какими будут деньги будущего [Эл. ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://investgazeta.net/finansy/kakimi-budut-dengi-buducshego-159882/-Деньги, свободный : (10.04.2012 г.).
2. Жуков Е.Ф. Общая теория денег и кредита. Издательство «ЮНИТИ» г. Москва, 1995 год.
3. Камаев В.Д. и колл. авт. Экономическая теория. – М.: Гуманитарный издательский центр ВЛАДОС, 1998 – 640 с
4. Любимов Л.Л., Липсиц И.В. "Основы экономики", Москва "Просвещение",1994 г.

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