Green Kitchen – Assembling the Right Team
доклады, Менеджмент Объем работы: 4 стр. Год сдачи: 2013 Стоимость: 200 руб. Просмотров: 645 | | |
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1. If Green Kitchen decides to go inte
ational, how should its products be marketed?
1. If Green Kitchen decides to go inte
ational, how should its products be marketed?
In the world market of household detergents and cleaners the steady is observed tendency of further expansion of a zone of commercial presence of leaders world producers. The largest companies completely sated with the production the traditional markets.
Acquisition of the profile companies became typical strategy of occurrence into the new markets average size. The mode
market of means of household chemicals offers the big product range of local and foreign producers.
According to participants of the market, the market is partially filled with gray import, a share of gray import household chemicals makes by various estimates from 15 to 35% from the total amount of the market.
Trade in household accessories to the population at the level of considered areas it is possible to divide into two look:
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