Оценка инвестиционной привлекательности одной из стран азиатских Драконов
эссе, Менеджмент Объем работы: 10 стр. Год сдачи: 2013 Стоимость: 300 руб. Просмотров: 719 | | |
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In advanced countries, the development and use of technological innovation is a crucial factor for sustainable socio -economic development. Analysis of the experience of developed countries shows that an important factor in the development of innovative financial incentive is the appropriate tax and depreciation policy.
Recent reforms in taxation confirm the status of Singapore as a world-class financial center.
Asset management and property of persons holding high net worth, are an integral part of the financial industry in Singapore.
Integrated portals deployed state institutions " Gove
ment portal » (Singapore Gove
ment Online), and service- center " e-Citizen » (eCitizen), providing comprehensive services to citizens, including access to electronic forms of tax and other payments, medical records, vehicle registration, student records in school, and for the companies - access to electronic public procurement, information on preferential credit schemes, consulting, etc. All the institutions of education, social, cultural launched online services on the gove
ment portal. Held inte
etization prison.
In 2000, for the first time in the world the Singapore gove
ment actively used the Inte
et during the general census of the population.
In 2001, about 40% of taxpayers filed their retu
s through the Inte
et. Subject of e-gove
ment brings to the fore the issue of computer literacy, the meaning of e- gove
ment - it accessible to all segments of society
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