Иностранные заимствования в современном английском языке
курсовые работы, Английский язык Объем работы: 28 стр. Год сдачи: 2013 Стоимость: 500 руб. Просмотров: 722 | | |
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I. Borrowing words in the system of a language……………………………5
I.1. Notion of borrowing words………………………………………5
I.2. Kinds of borrowings……………………………………………..8
I.3. Assimilation of borrowings……………………………………11
II. Borrowings in the English language…………………………………..13
II.1. Different periods of borrowing during the development of the English language………………………………………………………….13
II.2. Main areas of human life, in which germanisms are used. Influence of German borrowings on the mode
English language………16
III. Germanisms in the English language………………………………….19
III.1. Kinds of borrowings from the German language in the English language…………………………………………………………………..19
III.2. Assimilation of German words in the English language…….22
Every living language is a dynamic lively system. It changes all time in spite of language traditions. Such changes in a language are not always noticeable, evident and appreciable. Sometimes they are not perceptible for a long time but sometimes however are shown vividly during 10–15 years. Lexical changes are the most vivid and evident. Exactly vocabulary responds especially quickly to all the new things which appear in all fields of human life.
The English language is now the dominant or official language in over 75 territories and it represented in every continent and in three oceans (except the Arctic Ocean). That means one in every seven people in the world speaks English. The English language has become the “new Latin” of the century, the world’s top tongue. As a result English is the main language of borrowings nowadays. Anglicismes spread through the entire world.
Every language borrows words from contact with other languages and cultures that, after a period of time, become permanent words of that language. This is considered to be a natural phenomenon, occurring often in almost all world languages. In the present paper we focus on phenomenon of borrowed German words (germanisms) in English.
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Borrowing it is a word adopted from one language into another. Throughout its long history English has borrowed words from other languages, contacting with many different cultures, through strong cultural links or historical events like the Norman Conquest in 1066, manifested linguistically through the adoption of Norman French vocabulary. It is also often the case that some cultures are more dominant than others in particular fields, and this dominance means that they shape the language in this area beyond their geographical borders . Borrowings have several reasons, such as absence of notion in the native language, or necessity of differentiation of similar but different notions, or socio-psychological cases.
During the long history the German language has provided English with a huge inventory of words. The most part of such borrowings came to the English language in the XIX century. Many of them are used in such areas of human life as music, science, and politics, thanks to the influence of German-speaking people on those areas of human endeavor. Many of words (especially military terms) came to the English language after the 2nd World War.
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