Структурно-семантический анализ компьютерной терминологии английского языка
дипломные работы, Английский язык Объем работы: 30 стр. Год сдачи: 2014 Стоимость: 500 руб. Просмотров: 992 | | |
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INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………….. 3
1.1. Terminology in the context of language and lexical system …..……… 5
1.2. Structural organization of computer terminology in English ………… 9
2.1. Lexical and semantic method for forming units of computer vocabulary……………………………………………………………
2.2. Derivational means of creating computer vocabulary………………. 16
2.3. Syntactic method for forming units of computer vocabulary ……… 19
CONCLUSIONS……………………...……………………………………….. 27
BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………. 29
Computer technology, thriving in the second half of XX century, and especially the massive invasion in the mid-80s on our personal computer market, contributed to the enormous number of special language words and phrases rich in branched terminology in English.
The author of the work pays attention to semantic method and derivation of means and their role in formation of computer vocabulary in English.
The problem of structural and semantic analysis of computer terms still remains one of the most controversial. Nevertheless, the study of computer terminology in English is relevant in the present circumstances. That’s why this linguistic issue is still actually, especially in our research work ‘Structural and semantic analysis of computer terminology of English’.
The purpose of the research is to study structural and semantic methods of creating computer vocabulary in English.
In order to achieve the set aim we are determine the following tasks:
1) To consider terminology as a linguistic phenomenon in lexical system of language;
2) To investigate structural organization of computer terminology in English;
3) To explore structural and semantic analysis f computer terms in English;
4) To give the classification of thematic groups of computer terminology in English.
The object of the presents work is computer terminology.
The subject is structural and semantic analysis of computer terminology of English.
Methodological based of present research are Inte
et resources of computer vocabulary in English context.
Main methods used in the research:
1. conceptual analysis;
2. definitions;
3. describing;
4. presenting results.
Theoretical value of research is solving of linguistic problem connected with terminology in the context of language and lexical system and also syntactic method for forming units for computer vocabulary.
Practical value of research is to use the results of paper in different linguistic subjects, such as cognitive linguistic,...
Thus, theresultsofthepresentworkaccordingtotasksarethefollowing:
1) Terminology is a science whose aim is to study terms, which are lexical elements used in specialised fields (subjects or their branches) and generated in such fields or modified from elements already existing in other fields. The “term” or “terminological unit” is the meaning unit made up of one single word or several words and represents a concept in an univocal way in a specific semantic field.
2) IT (Information technology) presents not only great increase of new terms but also quick changes in its terminology. Some terms have become obsolete, such as floppy disk or diskette. Other commonly used terms become stabilized and find their translation in other languages. The majority of terms are more or less adopted directly from English. So computer terminology plays a great role in organization of lexical system. These terms have own features and possibility of adding in language every day.
3) An important feature of the terms is that they accurately express the concepts, processes, and names of things that are specific to a particular sphere of production. To correct understanding and translation of any term (including the computer) need to know the morphological structure of the term semantic features that distinguish it from common words, contextual features of the functioning of these units. All terms in their morphological structure divided into simple, complex, terms-phrases.
4) According to our observations, the most productive are 6 types of morphological derivation in the lexicon of Computer Science and Information Technology: 1) affix formation; 2) compounding ; 3) conversion; 4) reversion or back formation ; 5) contamination; 6) reduction.
The problem of lexical-semantic method of formation of the English vocabulary of computer science and information technology is so voluminous that requires a separate thorough research and serves as the subject of further research.
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