Rebranding in the banking sphere in russia (by the example of the URSA Bank and MDM Bank merger
курсовые работы, Английский язык Объем работы: 12 стр. Год сдачи: 2013 Стоимость: 500 руб. Просмотров: 674 | | |
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Introduction 4
Rebranding in the bank sphere. 5
Rebranding of MDM Bank. 9
Conclusion 11
List of references 12
Characteristic of the present stage of development is emergence of different types and means of communication. Today in the conditions of the high competition in the field of business, there was actual use of new communicative technologies in creation of the brands, capable to create preference of the consumer and to fix it at mental level.
In the conditions of constantly growing globalization of the markets when often some companies merge and become the largest corporations on production and distribution of goods of a consumer demand, within one commodity category, the task of experts in the field of the integrated communications becomes complicated. Development and realization of flexible and mobile communication strategy, become necessary to come to goals.
Relevance of research In this work such important questions as creation and development of a strong brand, rebranding that became today the main objective of many companies are considered.
The purpose of this work to Analyse the reasons and technologies of rebranding in the bank sphere on an example "URSA Bank" and "MDM Bank".
In the course of research specific problems are solved: To consider essence and concept of rebranding. To analyse the rebranding reasons. To designate stages and rebranding types. To analyse technologies of rebranding of merge of two banks "URSA Bank" and "MDM Bank". To give a preliminary estimate of efficiency of the carried-out rebranding.
Hypothesis Rebranding "URSA Bank" and "MDM the Bank" is connected with their merge and need of work to wide target audience. Upon termination of campaign of rebranding growth of volume of retails is supposed.
The solution of the tasks set in work demanded the analysis of a wide range of sources, among which works of domestic and weste
experts in the field of the integrated marketing communications. Manuals, mode
literature, periodicals and Inte
et resources on the subject "restyling" were studied and analysed. Research works on...
The past some years brought especially many rebranding news from financial branch. Perhaps, the greatest number of rebrandings occurred in bank branch.
Certainly, each bank had the specifics of rebranding campaign, but there are some common features serving as powerful argument to start rebranding. And, perhaps, most important of them can call mass inflow of the foreign companies on the Russian market.
Russian banking sector. one of most dynamic emerging markets in Europe (if at all not the most dynamic). Respectively, we will quite explain interest to this sphere from foreign players. The share of foreign banks in the banking sector of Russia makes currently 9% and taking into account that in the country about 1200 credit organizations are registered, process of structural changes by all means will proceed: in Russia will appear more and more foreign players.
The Russian bank brands continue to disappear one by one. Foreign financial groups deprive the absorbed Russian banks of former brands and give them in exchange "mate
al" names. And only units managed while to avoid transition under the aegis a "mate
al" brand.
One of the freshest and most sensational examples of volume – by MDM the bank, which rebranding campaign it is considered in practical part of work.
Rebranding of MDM didn't come to an end yet and total researches of campaign wasn't carried out yet. The conclusion of a new brand was rather the need connected with strategy of UniCredit in Russia. Most likely, the brand will need rehabilitation in the Russian market. But as a result, I am convinced, the company from it only will win.
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