Юмор, ирония и самоирония как выражение национальной ментальности (на основе произведения Джерома К. Джерома «Трое в лодке, не считая собаки»)
дипломные работы, Иностранные языки Объем работы: 62 стр. Год сдачи: 2014 Стоимость: 2000 руб. Просмотров: 963 | | |
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Table of Content
Introduction 3
Chapter 1 6
Theoretical Study. British Humor as Cultural Concept 6
1.1 What is Humor, Irony and Self-Irony 6
1.2 The Insight into British National Mentality 12
1.3 Humor as an important aspect of British Culture 16
Chapter 2 20
Practical Study of the Concepts ‘Humor’, ‘Irony’ and ‘Self-Irony’ as an Expression of National Mentality on the Material of the Humorous Story "Three Man in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog) by Jerome K. Jerome 20
2.1Specific features of National British Humor. (Humorous Story "Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)" by Jerome K. Jerome) 20
2.2 Stylistic Devices Used to Express Humor, Irony, Self-Irony ("Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)" by Jerome K. Jerome) 31
Chapter 3 43
Comparative Analysis of Such Notions as Humor, Irony and Self-Irony Found in the Original Text ("Three Man in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog) by Jerome K. Jerome) and its Translation into Russian 43
3.1 Methods and Ways Applied to the Russian Translation of the Text Expressing Humor, Irony and Self-Irony 43
3.2 English Humor as Seen by Russian-Speaking Readers 53
Conclusion 58
List of Reference 62
In the process of research into the study of different cultures it was proven that every individual in the mode
world is the representative of national traits of a particular culture. The study of specific features of English humor contributes to the creation of more exact model of the English national character, which promotes cross-cultural communication development.
The relevance of this research is caused by several factors.
First, it is necessary to study the concept of humor as an essential component of communication, its characteristics, in particular, its pragmatics, which is insufficiently studied in the linguistic literature.
Second, the relevance of research is related to the necessity to explain and study the root of misunderstanding that occurs in the process of communication caused by inability to understand English humor in full by Russian-speaking readers. These problems are very important for linguists theoretically as well as practically in the process of intercultural communication studying.
The main outline of the graduation paper is to state that the meaning of the English humorous text is derived by the perception of the world of values, reflected in the stereotypical behavior of British people.
The problem of the study of the concept lies in expression of national mentality. It is thoroughly studied in mode
domestic and foreign linguistics. The books and articles of the following mode
scientists in the field of linguistics and psychology (A. V. Karasik, A. A. Go
ostaeva, T. A. Zhelvatyh, O. P. Ermakova, O. N. Telyatnikova, Z. Ajtony, J. Sharma and others) draw the theoretical basis of the study.
Despite its importance, the study of the concept of humor, irony and self-irony as an expression of national mentality, discloses its stylistic features and analyze the perception of English humor viewed by Russian-speaking readers. This problem still remains relevant and requires detailed study.
The subject of the research is the...
The purpose of the current study was to identify and compare the representation of patte
s of humor, irony and self-irony on the material of the humorous story “Three Man in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog)” by Jerome K. Jerome and its translation into Russian.
To achieve the aim, a number of objectives were raised by us in the beginning of the research. By the following stated objectives, a comprehensive study of humor, irony and self-irony as an expression of national mentality (based on the humorous story "Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)" by Jerome K. Jerome was conducted.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the present study:
1) The concepts of humor, irony and self-irony are highly researched by Russian and foreign scientists. The researches give various definitions to given concepts, study their formation, properties, forms and ways of expressing.
2) British national mentality as the attitude and behavior inherent to this nation is resulted from the inability to normal social interaction as a result of Great Britain remoteness from other countries. The most characteristic features of the British mentality highlighted by us are: individualism and independence, optimism or future orientation, egalitarianism, sense of humor, informality, personal space, competition, practicality, conservatism, law and order, etc.
3) The peculiarity of English humorous literature is that it is based on the traditions of folk humor and enriched by them. English humor has its own specific features; it is perceived as a national trait of the British character. British humor it's a way of life of the whole nation. Conversation in the UK is a mixture of serious-frivolous statements, where each of the interlocutors instantly tries to catch the thoughts and continue it in a joking manner. British humor is represented by several groups, based on comic effect creating phenomena: the elephant jokes, dry humour, shaggy-dog stories and others.
4) Among the...
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