«Comparative Analysis of the Process of Word Formation in the Russian and English Languages»
курсовые работы, Английский язык Объем работы: 40 стр. Год сдачи: 2016 Стоимость: 500 руб. Просмотров: 483 | | |
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1.1 Word formation as a branch of lexicology and grammar 4
1.2 Formation of words in synthetic and analytical languages 7
1.2.1 Affixation as a universal method of word formation 9
1.2.2 Compounding and conversion as specific word formation methods 15
2.1 Word formation specifics in fictional discourse texts 18
2.2 Basic characteristics of word formation process in the Russian and English languages 21
The term paper is focused on the comparative analysis of the process of word formation in the Russian and English languages. The existence of words is usually taken for granted by the speakers of a language. To speak and understand a language means knowing the words of that language. The average speaker knows thousands of words, and new words enter our minds and our language on a daily basis. The process of coining new words in any language is called word formation.
In linguistics word formation is an ambiguous term. It comprises various linguistic phenomena. Word formation is derivational branch of linguistics, which deals with the process of coining new words basing on existing linguistic units, studies their structure and system to which they belong. In this aspect word formation is regarded as one of the most important means for language vocabulary replenishment. New words in the language are formed according to certain rules, models, schemes, which form the specific language mechanism, called derivation. Depending on the type of the language – synthetic or analytical – formation of the words may include various means.
The problem’s theoretical background was touched upon by the majority of scientists, dealing with the domains of Russian and English lexicology [Lipka L., 1992], [A
old I. V., 1986], [Rubleva O. L.,2004], [Shyrokih V. M., 2004], [Atrushyna H. B., 1999], [Davletbaeva D. N., 2010], study of word formation process [Hippisley A. R., 1998], [Plag I., 2002], [Hay J., 2003], [Stockwell R., 2002], [Booij G., 2010] and the others.
Comparative analysis of various language structural types is considered one of the most important research fields today. Comparison of the languages attracts a great interest of scientists and linguists, especially in translation sphere, where it is essential to find equivalents rendering words and word combinations of different languages. Topicality of the term paper is raised from the necessity to update basic...
Word formation process is the process of coining new words or word-groups with the help of various ways, such as affixation, compounding, conversion, onomatopoeia, back-formation, stress and sound interchange. All the words that undergo word formation process are classified according to their productivity. The term productivity is widely used in studies of derivational morphology and it means that some ways or word formation process are used more often than the others. Non-productivity is a reverse process, when some methods are not employed anymore in formation of new words and word-groups. The most productive way of word building is affixation, the formation of a word with the help of suffixes and prefixes. The main function of suffixes in Mode
English is to form one part of speech from another; the secondary function is to change the lexical meaning of the same part of speech. In the Russian language, prefixes and suffixes indicate all the grammatical characteristics of the word. The main function of prefixes in English as well as in Russian is to change the lexical meaning of the same part of speech and to from mostly verbs. Compounding is the process when two stems are fused into one word with grammatical inflexions and affixes added to it. There are a lot of compound words of various types both in English and Russian. Conversion in the Russian language the same as in English is when one part of the speech is changes into another. In the Russian language, the adjectives and participles become nouns without changing the morphemic composition of the word forms, but with the reduction of paradigm. In the English language, conversion is more peculiar to the verbs and nouns, which are interchanged. The other word formation methods are considered non-productive and semi-productive; they are not analyzed in the research paper. It should be noted that some of the above mentioned word formation ways are used mostly in synthetic languages, and the other can be...
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