Passive constructions
дипломные работы, Лингвистика Объем работы: 70 стр. Год сдачи: 2007 Стоимость: 3000 руб. Просмотров: 1609 | | |
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Introduction 3
Chapter 1. The theoretical aspects of passive constructions’ definition 5
1.1. Thе саtegory of voice. Passive constructions 5
1.2. Types and Principles of Passive Construction 13
Chapter II. The analysis of passive constructions 24
2.1. Types of passive constructions 24
2.2. Direct passive of the verbs demanding two direct objects 37
2.3. Direct passive of the verbs demanding direct and indirect object 41
2.4. Direct passive of the verbs demanding direct and a prepositional object 43
2.5. Indirect passive 47
Chapter III. The description of passive constructions 52
3.1. Characteristics of the passive constructions 52
3.2. Analysis of passive forms 59
Conclusion 63
Bibliography 67
The Voice is the property of a verb, which shows whether the subject of the action performs the action or receives the action described by the verb. If the subject performs the action described by the verb, the verb is treated as belonging to the Active Voice. Accordingly, if the subject receives the action, the verb is said to be in the Passive Voice.
The voice of a verb depends on the relation between the verb and its subject.
When the subject of a verb acts, the verb is in the active voice; when the subject is acted upon, the verb is in the passive voice .
The active voice stresses the activity of the subject and helps to make a sentence direct, concise, and vigorous.
One and the same idea can often be expressed in two ways, by means of an active, and by means of a passive construction. The English passive is formed with an auxiliary, generally be, but often also get and become, and the second participle
We distinguish several types of the passive constructions in the mode
English language, illustrating our explanations with examples of the usage of these types.
The purpose of our paper is to reveal the grammatical nature of the passive constructions and to register different types of such construction in Mode
The objectives of this paper are:
- to consider the theoretical aspects of passive constructions’ definition;
- to describe types and Principles of Passive Construction;
- to analyze the passive constructions;
- to give the description of passive constructions;
- to give the analysis of passive forms.
The paper consists of an Introduction, three parts: Theoretical, Results of the Analysis, Conclusions, Bibliography.
In the introduction we emphasize actuality of the theme and state the purpose and objectives.
In the first Part we lea
the theoretical knowledge on the problem of Passive constructions in Mode
English. The second part deals with the analysis of different types of passive construction in mode
English. The third...
English verbs have two “voices”—active and passive. Active verbs are used when the subject of the sentence is the agent of the action performed in the sentence. A writer employs the passive voice when the subject is the recipient (the patient or direct object) of the action performed by the verb. Any sentence with a transitive verb (a verb that performs its action upon a direct object) in the active voice has a passive alte
ate .
The Passive Voice in the Mode
English language is a distinctive system, which has a number of different constructions. Derect, Indirect, and Prepositional.
In most sentences the agent/patient relations aren’t as painfully (or medically) clear. In the following example, “Professor Murray” is the agent and “the lecture” is the patient, or direct object, of “deliver.”
Active: Professor Murray delivered the lecture. Passive: The lecture was delivered by Professor Murray.
Not every passive verb can or should be made active. Sometimes you simply don’t know who or what performed an action, or you deliberately want to obscure who performed an action. Passive verbs are useful when who did an action is less important than to whom it was done. A passive verb puts the victim (in grammatical terms, the patient) right up front in the sentence where it gets attention.
The Passive Voice in Mode
English is found with different types of verbs in various verb phrases. Monotransitive verbs are numerous and almost of them form a direct passive construction. Phrasal transitive verbs are often used in the passive voice. Though in many examples there was an evident correspondence of the Active and the Passive Voice construction, but there were found cases in which there was not a one-to one correspondence. There are semantic reasons for this constraint, as these verbs denote not an action or process, but a state or relation.
The direct passive represents such passive сonstruction in which the subject corresponds to a direct object of a verb.
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