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Английский (13 заданий)

контрольные работы, Английский язык

Объем работы:

Год сдачи: 2012

Стоимость: 750 руб.

Просмотров: 435


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Задание 1. В следующих предложениях определите время и залог сказуемого. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
1) The new term “ urban climate “ is used for big cities.
2) Our environment is being polluted by industry and transport.
3) Inte
ational programs will be developed to protect the environment.
4) Large areas have been poisoned with radiation after the Che
obyl catastrophe.
5) Air pollution can be stopped if alte
ative sources of energy will be worked out.

Задание 2. Подчеркните сказуемые, выраженные модальными глаголами с инфинитивом в Passive. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
1) Protective measures should have been taken to protect the birds and fish from the oil loss in the sea.
2) Air pollution may be eliminated by planned actions of all countries.
3) The rise of temperature on the Earth may be controlled with the help of inte
ational as well as local environmental programs.
4) People in big cities must not be affected by bad air and noise.
5) Air, water and soil should be purified with the help of mode

Задание 3. Определите время и залог сказуемого. Сочетания слов переведите.
1) Theories are being developed…
2) Theories were developed…
3) A theory will be developed…
4) Scientists will be developing…
5) Scientists developed…
6) The theory was being developed…
7) A theory has been developed…

Задание 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкцию it was (was)…that.
1) It is the rise of temperature on the Earth that makes scientists worry about the changing of the climate in the world.
2) It was the development of industry that made ecology one of the most pressing problems in the world.
3) It is the development of inte
ational programs and mode
high technology that can help us to protect the environment.
4) It is the control of physical, chemical, biological and geological changes in the world that would help to solve ecological problems.
5) It is harmful...

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*- если автор дал согласие и выложил это описание.

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